Ms T apartment
  • Type: Interior Renovation
  • Project year: 2022
  • Area: 140 m²
  • Location: Milan

For years, Ms T had made her home within these walls, but the time came for a change - a complete renovation to align her living space more closely with her evolving lifestyle, and, somehow, mirror her unique personality. After considering several possible scenarios, the design vision was to craft a space that balanced various design elements: fresh yet classical, distinctive but not eccentric, and neat but far from boring. New textures, colors, and materials met with carefully preserved furniture and details, maintaining a connection to the apartment’s history. The result is a harmonious blend of old and new, creating a contemporary, functional, yet timeless space.

Ms T apartment
Ms T apartment
Ms T apartment
Ms T apartment
Ms T apartment
Ms T apartment
Ms T apartment
Ms T apartment
Ms T apartment
Ms T apartment
Ms T apartment
Ms T apartment
Ms T apartment
Ms T apartment
Ms T apartment
Ms T apartment
Ms T apartment
Ms T apartment